Navigating Harris Garden | Maksim Lialin

The wayfinding system for Harris Garden has been developed to enhance the experience of new visitors and reveal new locations and features for regular visitors. To meet the bilingual criteria of the project, the system provides information in two languages — English and Russian.
Seven types of signs have been designed for different use cases. They are divided into three categories — directional, identificational, and informational.

The sign construction is based on the use of wood with perforated holes, through which one can see what is happening behind — it is intended that in this way the signs will blend in more with their surroundings and will not distract visitors too much from exploring the area. The information blocks are modules that can be placed on the wooden base in a relatively free form, creating various combinations and formats.

The system is complemented by a specially developed set of pictograms, which helps identify both main landmarks and secondary destinations and facilities. The arrows are designed to resemble small fir trees.

The new Harris Garden map reflects the new hierarchy of landmarks and includes all activities and points of interest that can be seen on the grounds, including two educational trails.

The companion app is designed to help users navigate the garden and support their physical and mental health. User can explore the garden map and search for individual destinations as well as access some specially designed Harris Garden fitness features: Tranquility sessions (Recorded meditation sessions to listen to in the quiet spots of the Garden) and Meadows Yoga.
In addition, one can view the café menu and the calorie counts of the meals on offer, to keep user in shape.